Churchtoons, cartoons from Church

Wednesday, December 11, 2024

Sure, I'll repent...of what?

 John the Baptist condemned his audience for their sins and called them to repent (Luke 3). While the sins are not named, the remedy is to remember God and who He is. How had they forgotten God? Do we consider the great sin of Israel their lack of temple attendance, or do we recognize the Old Testament prophet's call through John as a need to cast off greed and provide relief to those suffering around us?

Saturday, December 7, 2024

Look at the Signs!

When Jesus announced that the great temple would be completely destroyed, his audience asked when(Luke 21)? What signs will proceed this event? Jesus answered with a list of signs, but also pointed out that they didn't need signs. After all, they could tell when it was time to pick fruit because of what they saw. Are you we so busy trying to figure out when Jesus will return that we fail to live for Him everyday?

Thursday, November 28, 2024

Turkey Time 2024

Christians use Bible verses like Rev 1:6 to act claim ownership of lands they 'conqueror' forgetting that the Christ they are trying to follow taught us not to love this world's riches more than the souls we encounter. While we might see the cracks and faults of the holiday we call Thanksgiving, we might also consider this a time to show gratitude and seek forgiveness for our sins.

Friday, November 22, 2024

Last Days or Not, What Are You Doing?

 While many readers believe that the Jesus' sermon on Mount Olivet (Mark 13) was meant to describe signs of the end times, we might consider His words as a call to live steadfastly in His teachings. As our world entrenches in hate, bitterness, greed, and inhospitality, do we continue to show faith, hope, and charity? Do we continue to love, accept, and care for those around us?

Friday, November 15, 2024

More Cookie Drama

The remarkable story of the widow who shares the last of her food with Elijah (1 Kings 17) might remind us of modern religious speakers who claim special blessings for their benefactors. Those who misuse this story to increase their own wealth miss the importance of a non-Israelite caring for God's prophet. Maybe those the Church labels as 'sinners' are teaching us how to love well and to care for the vulnerable.

Wednesday, November 6, 2024

Why the tears?

"Jesus wept."(John 11) Is one of the most powerful verses in the Bible. The occasion for Jesus's weeping was a visit to the grave of His friend, Lazarus. Because Jesus had already resurrected others and seemed to know that Lazarus was also going to be resurrected, could Jesus's tears have been for those nearby who saddened by this death Who do you feel this kind of empathy toward? Who would you like to comfort?

Sunday, November 3, 2024

2024 Election and voting 'biblical values'


What are 'biblical values?' Are they the Law of Moses, or the Noahic Covenant, or maybe the Edenic covenant? To be honest, 'biblical values' seem to be based on cherry-picked verses that support specific agendas.  Think of the sins you believe to be so ardently wrong and must be legislatively punished. 

Then ask yourself, what does the Bible really say about those sins? Are those the sins God judged Israel for? Did the major or minor prophets spent time warning of culture wars, or did they condemn a nation that turned its back on the stranger, the poor, and the disenfranchised? 

You could also ask if your version of 'biblical values' is truly pro-life. Have the recent changes in reproductive rights (in the name of 'biblical values') increased maternal mortality rates and is it continuing to endanger women? 

Instead of cherry-picking a set of verses that support our cultural bias and labeling them 'biblical values,' maybe we should just ask ourselves 'what would Jesus do.' Maybe we should consider Matthew 25, when Jesus sends those who did not care for the 'least of these' away, while embracing those who visited the needs of the poor as if they had visited Him and provided for His earthly needs.


Each of the cartoons on this site is an expression of a sermon I heard in church. As a cartoonist, my method of understanding complex theological topics is to boil them down to simple images.

These images will never do justice to the sermons from which they are derived, but hopefully, they convey at least one aspect of those sermons to you, the reader.

I hope that you gain some benefit from the cartoons and will reuse them in ways that honor Christ.