Churchtoons, cartoons from Church
Tuesday, January 21, 2025
sure, you can turn water into wine, but why would you?
The first miracle Jesus performed was to change water into wine (Jn 2). This miracle saved the reputation of the hosts and probably saved the servants from being punished for not having enough wine on hand. John calls the miracle a 'sign,' but we might wonder is this a sign of Jesus's concern with each person's dignity or is it a sign that He can provide more than we even ask for?
Monday, January 13, 2025
Big Guy and the Baptistry
When Jesus was baptized, God testified who Jesus was (His Son - Luke 3), and so Christian baptism provides an opportunity for the candidate to say who Jesus is and state their faith in Christ. While this is a beautiful picture of Christ's work in us, it is only the beginning. Saved by faith through grace, Christians are now called to live out the gospel in our communities by demonstrating the love and care of Jesus.
Tuesday, January 7, 2025
Jesus GPS
The universal nature of the gospel was demonstrated when wise men came from the East to worship Jesus (Matthew 2). While they were not part of the national, ethnic, or religious backgrounds associated with Jesus or His family, they learned of His coming and how to find Him by following the light of a star. Are you a light that demonstrates the love of Christ and draws strangers to Jesus?
Thursday, January 2, 2025
What are YOU doing?
When Mary and Joesph find the 12-year-old Jesus in the midst of a group of religious scholars, Mary asks, why did you do this? (Luke 2) Although Jesus does obey Mary and follows her back to the family, we might consider His words in this story and ask ourselves, are we learning, teaching, and growing in a place that encourages us to become more like Jesus, or are we simply getting on with our lives?
Wednesday, December 25, 2024
Christmas of Me
Saturday, December 7, 2024
Look at the Signs!
Friday, November 15, 2024
More Cookie Drama
The remarkable story of the widow who shares the last of her food with Elijah (1 Kings 17) might remind us of modern religious speakers who claim special blessings for their benefactors. Those who misuse this story to increase their own wealth miss the importance of a non-Israelite caring for God's prophet. Maybe those the Church labels as 'sinners' are teaching us how to love well and to care for the vulnerable.
Sunday, November 3, 2024
2024 Election and voting 'biblical values'
What are 'biblical values?' Are they the Law of Moses, or the Noahic Covenant, or maybe the Edenic covenant? To be honest, 'biblical values' seem to be based on cherry-picked verses that support specific agendas. Think of the sins you believe to be so ardently wrong and must be legislatively punished.
Then ask yourself, what does the Bible really say about those sins? Are those the sins God judged Israel for? Did the major or minor prophets spent time warning of culture wars, or did they condemn a nation that turned its back on the stranger, the poor, and the disenfranchised?
You could also ask if your version of 'biblical values' is truly pro-life. Have the recent changes in reproductive rights (in the name of 'biblical values') increased maternal mortality rates and is it continuing to endanger women?
Instead of cherry-picking a set of verses that support our cultural bias and labeling them 'biblical values,' maybe we should just ask ourselves 'what would Jesus do.' Maybe we should consider Matthew 25, when Jesus sends those who did not care for the 'least of these' away, while embracing those who visited the needs of the poor as if they had visited Him and provided for His earthly needs.
Thursday, September 19, 2024
That's Just Your Interpretation...
Many commentators note the hard rebuke Jesus gives to Peter when Peter insists that Jesus, as the Christ, must not die (Mark 8). Peter believed that the Messiah would be a military leader who kills His enemies, but Jesus seemed to prefer sacrifice to violence. Do your interpretations of Messiah look like Jesus or like the military leader? Do you think Jesus would rebuke you for your interpretation?
Friday, August 30, 2024
The Big Shopper
Joshua 24:15 is often quoted as a declaration of our commitment to worshipping God and God alone. While printing the shortened version of this verse on various pieces of merchandise may serve as a passive declaration to put God first, it could also be a substitute for actively acting like Jesus. Are we more interested in looking like a Christian than in we are in loving like Christ loved?
Saturday, August 17, 2024
Nothing to see here
When the prophet Elijah asked to die (1 Kings 19), God intervened by sending His angel to nurture and sustain Elijah. The Church tends to ignore or hide those who may be suffering from depression or anxiety, or worse, guilty of blaming the victims for feeling the effects of depression. May we learn to just sit with and be with those in emotional need. Have you ever needed a friend to just sit with you?
Tuesday, August 13, 2024
Doggone it
When Jesus spoke the words the Church now uses to celebrate the "Lord's Supper," He gave no moral requirements, He simply provided spiritual nourishment to those who would come. Do we help others come to the table of Jesus? Do we demand more than Jesus Himself or maybe we mistakenly offer physical nourishment and wealth in place of spiritual. Let us embrace the true gospel of Christ.
Tuesday, July 30, 2024
They will know us by our forceful pressing of doctrine and creed
While the apostle Paul is best known for his strong doctrine and logical arguments, he also recommends and reminds us that the guiding principle of Christ's followers is love. In Ephesians, Paul used the words rooted and grounded to describe how our beliefs are less about logic and obedience and are really more about love. How do you demonstrate God's love to those around you?
Thursday, July 25, 2024
Why is it so hard to see Jesus?
in Mark 6:45-52 the disciples are caught in a storm while crossing a body of water. When Jesus responds to their fear by walking over to the boat, they don't recognize Him and become even more afraid. Were they so fixated on the storm and waves that they missed the one they called "master." What troubles or contexts cause you to miss seeing Jesus in your situations? Are you fixated on your problems or on Jesus?
Thursday, July 18, 2024
Pastor Awesome knows how to solve disagreements
Christians can mistake 'quite' for 'peace.' We often ask those with questions or unpopular opinions to 'hold their tongue' for the sake of unity. The prophet Amos was also asked to promote unity and peace by not preaching the unpopular message about the coming judgements (Amos 7). Amos pointed out that this was God's message, not his. How do you respond to questions or opinions you don't like? Do you listen?
Thursday, June 27, 2024
Saul sees Saul and not David
David was Saul's best solider and military leader. After killing Goliath and winning the war with the Philistines, David was cheered and loved by his people. This success caused Saul to become bitterly jealous. It seems like Saul projected his own faults onto David and could not accept that David was being used by God to bolster the kingdom (I Sam 18). Who do you secretly fear and envy?
Monday, May 27, 2024
Memorial Day 2024
As Christians we should hate war and the death it brings. We should also rejoice in the coming day when no such sacrifices will be made and the arbitrary divisions of national borders will be erased. Until that day, we honor those willing to give themselves to keep us safe (John 15:13) from those who would expand their power and influence by hurting others. May we repent of the times we have done so.
Tuesday, April 23, 2024
Laying down your cookie at a time
1 John 3:16 defines love in the strongest terms possible. The verse tells us that God loved us enough to die for us, and we should do the same for each other. We might do well to consider how we do this in our everyday lives. As we give our time and treasure to others, are we slowly, bit by bit laying down our lives for others or are we hording our rights and privileges for our own?
Thursday, April 4, 2024
NOW He's gone too far!
Jesus's ministry demonstrated radical rule-breaking, specifically to help those abused by the systems and rulers of the day. When Jesus actually broke death, by raising a young girl and his own friend, Lazarus, Jesus had good too far. The religious leaders could not explain the miracles, but decided that Jesus must not be allowed to continue to bring this kind of healing (John 11). What kinds of healing do you oppose?
Tuesday, March 26, 2024
Jesus is Coming! What Does that mean to you?
Each of the cartoons on this site is an expression of a sermon I heard in church. As a cartoonist, my method of understanding complex theological topics is to boil them down to simple images.