Churchtoons, cartoons from Church
Showing posts with label Christian. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Christian. Show all posts
Thursday, September 5, 2024
Who are you?
In Deuteronomy 4 God's people are encouraged to remember all that God had done for them, and all that God promised for them. The message reminded Israel to remember where they came from and what values defined them. What values to do we demonstrate to show that we are followers of Christ? Do we value our rules and laws more than we value the neighbor that Jesus told to us to love as ourselves?
Saturday, August 17, 2024
Nothing to see here
When the prophet Elijah asked to die (1 Kings 19), God intervened by sending His angel to nurture and sustain Elijah. The Church tends to ignore or hide those who may be suffering from depression or anxiety, or worse, guilty of blaming the victims for feeling the effects of depression. May we learn to just sit with and be with those in emotional need. Have you ever needed a friend to just sit with you?
Tuesday, August 13, 2024
Doggone it
When Jesus spoke the words the Church now uses to celebrate the "Lord's Supper," He gave no moral requirements, He simply provided spiritual nourishment to those who would come. Do we help others come to the table of Jesus? Do we demand more than Jesus Himself or maybe we mistakenly offer physical nourishment and wealth in place of spiritual. Let us embrace the true gospel of Christ.
Tuesday, July 30, 2024
They will know us by our forceful pressing of doctrine and creed
While the apostle Paul is best known for his strong doctrine and logical arguments, he also recommends and reminds us that the guiding principle of Christ's followers is love. In Ephesians, Paul used the words rooted and grounded to describe how our beliefs are less about logic and obedience and are really more about love. How do you demonstrate God's love to those around you?
Thursday, July 25, 2024
Why is it so hard to see Jesus?
in Mark 6:45-52 the disciples are caught in a storm while crossing a body of water. When Jesus responds to their fear by walking over to the boat, they don't recognize Him and become even more afraid. Were they so fixated on the storm and waves that they missed the one they called "master." What troubles or contexts cause you to miss seeing Jesus in your situations? Are you fixated on your problems or on Jesus?
Sunday, July 7, 2024
Prioritizing God's work
When asked to heal a very important man's daughter (Mark 5), Jesus allowed Himself to be diverted by a powerless woman who also needed healing. Although Jesus was on-task to help someone who was in a more dire situation with a more impressive family, Jesus noticed the woman and took time to confront her and provide the words she needed to hear. How do you prioritize your helpfulness?
Thursday, June 27, 2024
Saul sees Saul and not David
David was Saul's best solider and military leader. After killing Goliath and winning the war with the Philistines, David was cheered and loved by his people. This success caused Saul to become bitterly jealous. It seems like Saul projected his own faults onto David and could not accept that David was being used by God to bolster the kingdom (I Sam 18). Who do you secretly fear and envy?
Wednesday, May 29, 2024
When your belief is more important that your Lord
Jesus's teachings were so radical that even the best teachers were left baffled. In John 3 Jesus seems to confound Nicodemus. We might wonder if part of the confusion came from the way Nicodemus understood scripture and his apparent inability to shift that thinking. What ideas or interpretations have you latched onto that have become more important than Jesus?
Thursday, April 4, 2024
NOW He's gone too far!
Jesus's ministry demonstrated radical rule-breaking, specifically to help those abused by the systems and rulers of the day. When Jesus actually broke death, by raising a young girl and his own friend, Lazarus, Jesus had good too far. The religious leaders could not explain the miracles, but decided that Jesus must not be allowed to continue to bring this kind of healing (John 11). What kinds of healing do you oppose?
Tuesday, February 13, 2024
Meanwhile, life without Jesus got harder...
The wonder of Christ's transfiguration is quickly confronted by the hard reality of those disciples left behind (Mark 9). To make matters worse, the disciples who had witnessed transfiguration were forbidden to talk about it. Do you join those living the hard reality of life while doing the work of Christ or do you find yourselves trying to relive an exciting mountain top experience?
Tuesday, January 30, 2024
Who are you calling weak?
The term 'weaker brother' is describes a Christian who is offended by certain behaviors (1 Co 8). While the passage is often used to bolster our opinions of our own spirituality or worse, to condemn others who exhibit behaviors we dislike, the point of the passage seems to be the need to demonstrate love. Paul is willing to limit his freedoms in order to show love to his brothers. How do you show love to the Church?
Tuesday, January 23, 2024
Fishers of Men
Jesus promises to make His disciples 'Fishers of Men (Mark 1).' We might be tempted to use this phrase as an excuse to treat our relationships as a sport or as a means to an end. Christ's relationships encourage a change of perspective. Asking Christ to save us should change our orientation from selfishness to honest concern and care for others. How have you changed your perspective to others.
Tuesday, January 16, 2024
Using Paul to clobber others
Christians are infamous for using Paul's writings to condemn any behavior that they feel is not acceptable. One example is 1 Corinthians 6:12-20. Some translations chose words that specifically condemn the LGTBQ community, instead of accepting that anyone who refuses to give up power and pleasure taken by force should repent. Have you ever reinterpreted the Bible for your own purposes?
Monday, January 8, 2024
The message given to Jesus for you
God audibly spoke to those who witnessed the baptism of Jesus (Mark 1:11). The voice clearly stated that Jesus had a family relationship with the very creator of all existence. The good news of the gospel is that we get to join that family and share the in love God has for His children. How do you experience and share your family relationship with The God?
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Tuesday, January 2, 2024
What time is it?
Galatians 4:4 describes the birth of Christ as being in the Fullness of Time. The phrase not only reminds us that God works on His own timetable, but also that the time was transformative. being the 'fullness' of time points us to the changes that Christ's presence brought. We now understand that Jesus would preach a transformative message that changes us from the inside out. Have you experienced this transformation?
Tuesday, December 26, 2023
How do you make room?
The famous story of how Christ was born in a manager (Luke 2) is often used to illustrate how we don't make room for God and His word in our lives. But, we might also be reminded of the Old Testament stories of hospitality. If the family knew that Mary was about to give birth to the King of Kings, it seems they would have provided better accommodations. How do you accommodate others in order to make room for Jesus?
Monday, December 4, 2023
God makes the religious leader voiceless
After 400 years of silence, Israel was promised a prophet of God would be coming through the priest Zacharias. When Zacharias asked for a sign that this would happen, he became silent until the naming of his son, the prophet, John (Luke 1). God made the religious/social leaders voiceless and promised to hear those who had been voiceless. Who do you think our current religious and social leaders make voiceless?
Sunday, November 12, 2023
Who do you use?
While King David's life is full of good and heroic moments, like all lives, it is also marred by sin and selfishness. Adonijah's struggle with Solomon for the throne illustrates one of the key failures of David's character as it seems to affect his family. Every player in the story views Abishag, a poor Shunamite woman, as a pawn that can be used to further an agenda, rather than as a person worthy of love and care. 1 Kings 2.
Sunday, October 29, 2023
Send in the Clowns - literally
2 Corinthians 9:6-9, encourages us to give cheerfully. We may give out of guilt, fear of God's wrath, or in hopes of gaining more material blessings from God, or from some other motive that fails to truly be 'cheerful.' Perhaps cheerful giving is rooted in understanding that no matter who we give to or what we give is less important than the God who lets us connect with others through giving.
Monday, October 23, 2023
Rizpah's Care
To keep Saul's heirs from recreating their father's legacy of genocidal acts, the Gibeonites convinced David to send all of Saul's heirs to the Gibeonites who would then kill them. By spotlighting one of Saul's wives, the story highlights the utter despair that comes from embracing war and retribution. Rizpah's selfless act demonstrates the care and respect lacking in the Gibeonites and in David. How can you care for others?
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Each of the cartoons on this site is an expression of a sermon I heard in church. As a cartoonist, my method of understanding complex theological topics is to boil them down to simple images.
These images will never do justice to the sermons from which they are derived, but hopefully, they convey at least one aspect of those sermons to you, the reader.
I hope that you gain some benefit from the cartoons and will reuse them in ways that honor Christ.