Churchtoons, cartoons from Church

Showing posts with label Bible. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Bible. Show all posts

Tuesday, March 7, 2023

The 'help meet' helper

 The word "help meet" used in Genesis 2 has often been used to assign a lesser role to Eve, as though she were an intern or assistant. A closer look at how the same word is used throughout the old testament points a helper as in a rescuer, or like God coming to the aid of Israel like in Deuteronomy 6. Can you think of anyone you consider 'lesser' and with whom you might need to rethink your relationship?

Wednesday, March 1, 2023

How do you measure God's love?

 Most Christians eventually begin to wonder how much God loves them, and if they should perform certain acts to gain more of Gods' care and provision. In 1 Corinthians, we are reminded that God's ways won't make sense to us, and instead of comparing ourselves, we can accept the love God provides and let it motivate us to act out the gospel everyday. Can you think of times when you thought you needed to win God's love?

Wednesday, February 1, 2023

What it's really about

 Christians spend much of their time focused on how to please God, instead of understanding that God already loves them and wants them to feel the courage and safety of that great love. We are reminded of this theme in Zephaniah 3, where after hearing of all the judgements coming, the prophet encourages God's people by telling them what God desires for them (Zephaniah 3:14-20).

Thursday, January 26, 2023

Watching John Baptize


When the religious elite came to see what John the Baptist was doing, they were greeted with one of his most scathing messages (Matt 3). Rather than accepting the message and demonstrating their repentance, the religious leaders stood by and watched. How do you respond when you are challenged to live better or to own your need to do better?

Saturday, January 14, 2023

Finding and Losing Jesus

 Mary and Joseph lost track of Jesus during Passover, only to find Him teaching the masters of theology. (Luke 2) During this time, Mary seemed to understand that Jesus would serve an important role that would take him from her. As Christians, we might note that truly following Christ almost always costs us something, but we also gain so much more in return.

Saturday, December 31, 2022

Ceaser was left out of the loop

 When God came to earth, He did not announce His arrival to the world's leaders, but rather, to shepherds (Luke 2). This was fitting because Jesus never courted the political or social powers of His day. If we follow Christ's example, we will seek to minister directly to the souls around us, rather than use political power to enforce our ideology. How can you minister like Christ this year?

Monday, December 19, 2022

The lowly are seen


Mary's song of praise (Luke 1:46-55) describes her low social standing and lack of political power, but recognizes God's care for her and those like her. When you feel invisible and vulnerable, you are in the perfect frame of mind to see God's might and His care for you. Who do you 'unsee' everyday? Are there people you could 'see' and give hope?

Tuesday, December 13, 2022

Room in your life


The story of John the Baptist's birth reminds us of Issacs's birth. Both were born to parents who were considered too old to have children, but miraculously did (Luke 1:39-45). Understanding that the Advent story makes room for John's story encourages us that we too are important to and part of the story of Jesus Christ and His earthly ministry. Who will you make room for in your story?

Tuesday, November 29, 2022

Who's Christlike?


Christians often look for 'big' things to please God. While we say that our awesome works for God's glory, they are often for out own betterment or to boost our pride. Micah 6 asks if we should provide a huge sacrifice to please God, but the response is do justly, love mercy, and to walk humbly with God. How do you demonstrate Jesus Christ's sacrifice and God's grace in everyday life?

Wednesday, November 2, 2022

Soul-Winning without a net

 Most Christians take the great commission (Matt 28), as a serious expectation to evangelize, or to "Preach the gospel" to everyone. However, the methods employed are often more like a sales pitch than a gospel witness. When you consider those who are living as disciples of Christ, did they come to Christ because of a sales pitch, or through personal observation of someone else living out Christ's good news?

Tuesday, October 4, 2022

Joseph saves the world

Joseph was often treated unfairly and unkindly, but through all of his circumstances, he retained his faith in God. While we see that Joseph is rewarded for his faithfulness, we might miss that those around him also benefited. Because Joseph was in Egypt during the years prior to the famine, he was able to create a plan that ensured not only enough grain for Egypt, but also for those in surrounding areas (Gen 41:53-57)

Monday, September 19, 2022

The first climate change prophet?


Like modern climate activists, Noah believed a great ecological disaster was coming because of humanity's actions Gen 6. While we might see pollution as the physical/direct cause, we might do well to consider that God brought the flood because of the violence (v13) or cruelty inflicted by and on the entire world. Are we unconcerned with violence to the world, like the Noah's contemporaries?

Tuesday, September 13, 2022

Bearing my cross


Christ taught that His followers would be persecuted (Luke 14). Although many Christians do suffer for their faith, many more simply hide behind the cross of persecution when they receive criticism from non-Christians. Can you think of a time when you received deserved critique but mistook it for persecution?

Sunday, September 4, 2022

Jesus the great divider


When the religious leaders met Jesus, they understood the divisiveness of His teachings. Although we are called to humility and peace, we should be aware that many will take offense (Luke 12) at the idea of humbling themselves and caring for the vulnerable. Are you willing to let Christ divide you from your own pride and greed?

Saturday, August 20, 2022

Giving God a little 'help'

 Although Abraham came to be a model of faith, he wasn't always ready to believe God. In Genesis 15, we learn that Abraham interpreted God's promise of an heir loosely and applied his own solution by sleeping with a servant. God rejected Abraham's solution and promised that an heir was coming, and Abraham finally believed God in spite of the unlikeliness that he would have a son with Sarah. 

Wednesday, August 10, 2022

Where does your help come from?

 Psalm 121 reminds us that our help doesn't come from false gods on hills or from any other power. Our help and our hope resides in God alone. Can you think of people or things God provided to you in your times of need? Are you trusting the aids God has given, or are you trusting the God who provided?

Tuesday, July 26, 2022

God is the faithful one

 Few blame Sarah for laughing when she was reminded of her promise of a son (Genesis 18:12). Although called out for her skepticism, she was not punished and God remained faithful to His promise. We should rejoice that God is faithful, not because we demonstrate loudly, or produce some kind of special event, but because He is God.

Sunday, July 10, 2022

What to do?


Christians agonize over what is the right or God-honoring action needed in many circumstances. Sometimes it seems like we know what we should do, but look for ways to justify doing something else. Paul reminds us that the entirety of the old testament law is summed up in simply loving others as we love ourselves (Gal 5:14). How can you love your neighbor today?

Sunday, June 26, 2022

Elijah, back to it...

After a miraculous success, Elijah felt the sting of political repercussions for his actions. Discouraged, desperate, and feeling defeated, Elijah ran away from the work of God. While in hiding, God ministered to Elijah and then called Elijah back to the work (1 Kings 19). While we might want to end our ministry before its time, God calls us back to the work. Elijah was not allowed to quit, until his work was done.

Wednesday, June 22, 2022

Held back by fear

 Sometimes we see a need and want to help, but fear prevents us from providing assistance. When Elijah's life was threatened, he hid and began to feel that he was the only person who still worshipped God (1 Kings 19). God's ministry to Elijah motivated the prophet to return to his service to God. How can God use you to encourage others who are too fearful to provide help to others?


Each of the cartoons on this site is an expression of a sermon I heard in church. As a cartoonist, my method of understanding complex theological topics is to boil them down to simple images.

These images will never do justice to the sermons from which they are derived, but hopefully, they convey at least one aspect of those sermons to you, the reader.

I hope that you gain some benefit from the cartoons and will reuse them in ways that honor Christ.