Churchtoons, cartoons from Church

Showing posts with label Christian. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Christian. Show all posts

Tuesday, December 13, 2022

Room in your life


The story of John the Baptist's birth reminds us of Issacs's birth. Both were born to parents who were considered too old to have children, but miraculously did (Luke 1:39-45). Understanding that the Advent story makes room for John's story encourages us that we too are important to and part of the story of Jesus Christ and His earthly ministry. Who will you make room for in your story?

Sunday, December 4, 2022

The echoes of Hagar in Mary's Praise

 While considering Mary's response to the incarnation (Luke 1), we might gain a greater understanding of her courage and faith by looking at the plight of Hagar (Gen 16). After being exploited by Abraham and Sarah, Hagar became pregnant which angered Sarah who then persecuted Hagar daily. Knowing this story, Mary's understanding of the persecution she would face highlights her faith in praising God for the event.
(NOTE: Special thanks to Dr Gafney for her work: "A Women's Lectionary" used as a source here.)

Tuesday, November 8, 2022

Solomon and the government of man


The story of Solomon's wisdom begins with an outrageous solution (1 King 3).  Two women claim to be a baby's mother, and Solomon's solution is to cut the child in half. This story reminds us that even a godly ruler like Solomon relied on the power of the sword to enforce law and order. May we look to our Lord Jesus Christ to change our hearts rather than to earthly rulers to scare us into submission.

Wednesday, October 26, 2022

Love or idolatry?

In our zeal to credit God with the good gifts we currently enjoy, we might be tempted to confuse our culture, country, or ideology with God's kingdom. This idolatry implies that other countries or citizens of other countries are inferior in God's sight. Jesus declared that His kingdom was not earthly and no earthly country is the Kingdom of God (John 18:36). May we learn to prefer His Kingdom over our world's kingdoms.

Tuesday, October 4, 2022

Joseph saves the world

Joseph was often treated unfairly and unkindly, but through all of his circumstances, he retained his faith in God. While we see that Joseph is rewarded for his faithfulness, we might miss that those around him also benefited. Because Joseph was in Egypt during the years prior to the famine, he was able to create a plan that ensured not only enough grain for Egypt, but also for those in surrounding areas (Gen 41:53-57)

Tuesday, September 27, 2022

Leaving home

Abraham leaving his country (Gen 12) may not seem sacrificial until we consider the prestige and power he had likely gained through his family's status and connections. While it appears that Abraham had wealth that he could carry with him, he would not have the immediate social standing, trust, or privilege he would have enjoyed if remained in his home country. Are you able to trust newcomers to your area or fellowship? 

Monday, September 19, 2022

The first climate change prophet?


Like modern climate activists, Noah believed a great ecological disaster was coming because of humanity's actions Gen 6. While we might see pollution as the physical/direct cause, we might do well to consider that God brought the flood because of the violence (v13) or cruelty inflicted by and on the entire world. Are we unconcerned with violence to the world, like the Noah's contemporaries?

Tuesday, September 13, 2022

Bearing my cross


Christ taught that His followers would be persecuted (Luke 14). Although many Christians do suffer for their faith, many more simply hide behind the cross of persecution when they receive criticism from non-Christians. Can you think of a time when you received deserved critique but mistook it for persecution?

Wednesday, August 10, 2022

Where does your help come from?

 Psalm 121 reminds us that our help doesn't come from false gods on hills or from any other power. Our help and our hope resides in God alone. Can you think of people or things God provided to you in your times of need? Are you trusting the aids God has given, or are you trusting the God who provided?

Friday, August 5, 2022

Pray Awesome!

 When Jesus taught His disciples to pray (Luke 11), the emphasis seemed to be on God's greatness. Even in asking for daily bread, the emphasis wasn't on the need but on the great God who would provide. Do your prayers make much of God, or do you find yourself reading God your opinions as a wish list?

Sunday, July 10, 2022

What to do?


Christians agonize over what is the right or God-honoring action needed in many circumstances. Sometimes it seems like we know what we should do, but look for ways to justify doing something else. Paul reminds us that the entirety of the old testament law is summed up in simply loving others as we love ourselves (Gal 5:14). How can you love your neighbor today?

Wednesday, July 6, 2022

Pastor Awesome meets Uncle Sam

Western Christianity enjoys great freedom to practice the love and teachings of Christ. In our zeal to protect those freedoms, we may forget that our first allegiance is to Christ, and that no earthly kingdom is truly His kingdom (John 18:36).  Our actions may begin to reflect our selfish nature and undermine our desire to follow Christ's example of love and patience. How are you demonstrating the love of Christ to others today?

Sunday, June 26, 2022

Elijah, back to it...

After a miraculous success, Elijah felt the sting of political repercussions for his actions. Discouraged, desperate, and feeling defeated, Elijah ran away from the work of God. While in hiding, God ministered to Elijah and then called Elijah back to the work (1 Kings 19). While we might want to end our ministry before its time, God calls us back to the work. Elijah was not allowed to quit, until his work was done.

Wednesday, June 22, 2022

Held back by fear

 Sometimes we see a need and want to help, but fear prevents us from providing assistance. When Elijah's life was threatened, he hid and began to feel that he was the only person who still worshipped God (1 Kings 19). God's ministry to Elijah motivated the prophet to return to his service to God. How can God use you to encourage others who are too fearful to provide help to others?

Thursday, June 16, 2022

Barnabas the encourager


Barnabas demonstrated true Christian care by continuously encouraging the early church. In Acts 4, he provides funds for his fellow Christians who are suffering financial hardship. Barnabas also endorsed a former political terrorist (Paul) in Acts 9, and advocated for the reinstatement of a failed missionary (John Mark) in Acts 15. In what ways are you encouraging the church?  

Monday, June 13, 2022

The love challenge

Christ summed up the entire Law of God into two commandments, love God and love people (Matt 22). Paul repeats this summation by saying that all of the law can really be summed up as love people (Rom 13). While this sounds basic, it is not easy. When you consider all of the different kinds of people in your life and their different views, can you still open your heart and love them? 

Friday, June 10, 2022

Pentecost surprise

When the followers of Christ received the Holy Spirit, Peter described this outpouring as the fulfillment of a prophesy from the book of Joel ( Acts 2:17). The prophesy describes God pouring His Spirit on all flesh. As Christians, we often become suspicious of other believers whose faith practices differ greatly from our own. Are you able to accept any follower of Christ, regardless of their denomination or label?

Tuesday, June 7, 2022

Mind of Christ vs Mind of Christ

 Many Christians speak of the "mind of Christ" referring to Philippians 2:5. Oddly, it is often used as a way to demonstrate an air of superiority, but the Bible reference describes how humble Christ was and how adopting that mindset would be displayed as humility. Are you able to humble yourself like Christ?

Wednesday, June 1, 2022

Remember that time?

 When Paul wrote to the Philippians, he reflected that all of his memories of them were happy (Phil 1). What kinds of memories do you have of your brothers and sisters in Christ? What kind of memories do they have of you? Are you living out the joy of Christ in a way that uplifts others or are you keeping busy with your own interests?

Wednesday, May 25, 2022

Your Rights vs God's Word

 Many Christians live in areas that provide extended personal freedoms, some of which seem to even cater to our faith. While we may enjoy our freedoms, we should always consider how those freedoms might infringe on others' ability to enjoy their freedoms. Like Paul (1 Co 9), we should be willing to forego our rights when it means that others could be hurt.


Each of the cartoons on this site is an expression of a sermon I heard in church. As a cartoonist, my method of understanding complex theological topics is to boil them down to simple images.

These images will never do justice to the sermons from which they are derived, but hopefully, they convey at least one aspect of those sermons to you, the reader.

I hope that you gain some benefit from the cartoons and will reuse them in ways that honor Christ.