Churchtoons, cartoons from Church

Showing posts with label Christ. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Christ. Show all posts

Saturday, November 27, 2021

Amos and the truth of sin at home

 The prophet Amos was a shepherd and didn't seem to possess any political or religious power. However, God used this man to show Israel that they were guilty of the very same sins as the nations that Israel often considered "heathen" or inferior (Amos 1-2). How often do we consider those who disagree with us as inferior, when we are in actually just as guilty as they are?

Thursday, November 25, 2021

 Like many countries, the United States of America sets aside a day to reflect on and give thanks for the many good gifts (like good crops, etc) God gives to us. While we are enjoying our benefits, we should also remember and give to those who have less than we do (1 John 3).

Saturday, November 20, 2021

Super Awesome Mega Pastor...Rides Again!

 We are naturally drawn to exciting and powerful speakers who, like Elijah  (1 Kings 19), seem to do the impossible. Jesus warned of those who try to worship God by teaching man's commandments instead of understanding the heart of God (Matt 15:9). We would do well to seek God first and test what we hear against what we know to be true of God.

Sunday, October 31, 2021

Are you ashamed?

 David was called a "man after God's heart (1 Sam 13:14) but was later guilty of adultery and murder. He loved God deeply, but still fell to the most vile sins of his day. David's redemption came a steep price, but during those times of shame, he humbled himself and wrote stirring Psalms begging God for forgiveness. How do you respond when your sins are exposed? Are you able to humble yourself and beg God for help?

Sunday, October 17, 2021

Social Media formation

 Christians have long understood the importance of personal and communal spiritual formation. While we seek to be formed into someone more like Jesus Christ, we will often find other interests that are ready to take the place of spiritual formation and mold us to be less like Christ (Rom 12:2). What forces in your life do find influencing how you behave?

Sunday, September 19, 2021

Finding God in His word


Psalm 137 provides a glimpse into what Israelites felt when their nation was dismantled and they were taken into captivity. In a time when everything they knew to be true was being undermined and their connections to the God of their fathers was being lost, they held the words and stories sacred. Do you take comfort in God's faithful words in the Bible, or do you read it as legal or scientific document with no special power?

Sunday, August 22, 2021

Extending radical kindness


The early church was known radical care and kindness. Often reaching beyond the bounds of ethnicity or even religion, the early church was known as a group who would literally give the shirt off their back for anyone in need (Luke 6). How would others respond to modern Christianity if we considered their needs above our own needs? Can you think of a way to put others first this week?

Thursday, August 19, 2021

Ruth joins the story of the Bible


Ruth and Orpah
Although no law forced her to, Ruth purposefully tied herself to her mother-in-law. (Ruth 1)The reason for such a strong bond is not truly known, but by Ruth's actions seem to indicate she cared for others and for the God of Israel. By showing unusual kindness, Ruth becomes part of the Bible story and one of Christ's ancestors. What unusual acts of kindness can you perform today?

Sunday, August 15, 2021

Dealing with change


The Bible often describes crisis moments that required God's people to choose bold, new ways of living or even worshipping. Ruth and Orpah (Ruth 1) face this kind of decision when their husbands die and their mother-in-law decides to leave the country. While facing change is trying and frightening, God's people have always relied on Him to help them navigate the changes and still remain faithful to His word.

Sunday, August 8, 2021

My pain is greater than your pain


We all suffer different kinds of pain, and sometimes it might be tempting to dismiss someone's pain, because we feel it's not like our pain. Satan argued with God that physical suffering was more distressing than emotional or financial loss (Job 2).  Can you find a way to let others share their pain without judging them or minimizing their suffering?

Tuesday, August 3, 2021

Do you know where you hurt?

 Richard Rohr Quote: “Pain that is not transformed is transmitted.” We see this thought acted out in the story of Hannah (1 Sam 1). When the high priest heard Hannah praying he accused her of being drunk. Instead of becoming angry, Hannah spills her greatest weakness and pain out to her accuser and is granted a great blessing from God. Are you able to face your own weaknesses?

Thursday, July 29, 2021

Pressed together to see Jesus

 The early church was an odd mixture of wealthy and poor, men and women, Jewish, Roman, and immigrants. When pressed together, they might not look like they really belonged together, but their love for Christ was more important to them than their political affiliations or social status. Are you able to set aside your personal preferences to embrace the body of Christ? Gal 3:28-29

Tuesday, July 13, 2021

Are you overfull?

 It may be tempting to feel we deserve every material benefit we enjoy and especially those we take for granted. One way to remind ourselves that our gifts come from God and a way to show love to others, is by sharing the wealth God has given. Paul praised the Macedonian churches for giving a liberal offering to help those suffering financial difficulties in another city (2Co 8). Are you able to give those who cannot repay?

Sunday, June 13, 2021

On the way to worship

Psalm 130 was part of a 'playlist' of psalms sung while traveling to the Temple. This Psalm reminds us of the pain we have felt, or might be feeling as a way of preparing the ourselves for worship. Whatever our circumstances, we can choose to be like the psalmist and put our faith in God's love and power to see us through these times. How do your hard times show that God is faithful?

Monday, May 31, 2021

Memorial Day, 2021

 This year we have so many dead friends to remember that it might become overwhelming. Over 3.5 million have died from COVID, and many more have died from hate-induced violence led by those who should be promoting peace. Isaiah 40 describes a similar time when even the young men lose their will to fight. May we memorialize our dead with the hope of the gospel, and with our own care and ministry.

Monday, May 24, 2021

Welcome to the Church...Maybe?


The Church is comprised of any who confess their absolute helplessness as a sinner and trust Christ to save them by His sacrificial death (Romv10:12-13). Paul reminds us that once this step has been taken, any and everyone is then considered part of the 'body of Christ' and should be welcomed and respected as family (Gal 3:23-29). 

Tuesday, May 18, 2021

Paul confronts Peter with his hypocrisy

Paul was quick to confront Peter's favoritism and hypocrisy (Gal 2). Peter willingly accepted the rebuke and corrected his behaviors. As one of Christ's 'inner circle', Peter had enough influence to dismiss Paul, but by embracing Paul and the gentiles, the church has grown into a worldwide movement of faith. How do you respond when you are found doing wrong?

Sunday, May 9, 2021

Fear of loss


Acts 15 provides insight into the Church's earliest controversy. Up until that time Christians were primarily Jewish and held many of the traditions of that faith.  The concept of gentile believers seemed strange and threatened to weaken the synagogue's influence on society, but ultimately became the norm for the Church. Do you have traditions you are afraid of losing, even if losing them helps the Church?

Sunday, May 2, 2021

Welcoming EVERYONE - Phillip and the Ethiopian Eunuch

 One of the earliest Christians was a eunuch in service to the queen of Ethiopia. As a eunuch, this servant was discouraged from many religious practices, but was interested in spiritual things. Phillip shared the gospel and immediately welcomed his new brother-in-faith to the church. This was signified with an impromptu baptism. Are you like Phillip, welcoming everyone into the family of God? Acts 8

Sunday, April 25, 2021

Lessons in inequity

The first issue the early Church had to address was inequity in care for widows and orphans (Acts 6). The Greek population of the Church was receiving less care than the Jewish population. Rather than reduce care or attempt to explain away the inequities, the Church sought wisdom from God. God provided the disciples with a method that not only met their need, but actually spread the gospel throughout the world.


Each of the cartoons on this site is an expression of a sermon I heard in church. As a cartoonist, my method of understanding complex theological topics is to boil them down to simple images.

These images will never do justice to the sermons from which they are derived, but hopefully, they convey at least one aspect of those sermons to you, the reader.

I hope that you gain some benefit from the cartoons and will reuse them in ways that honor Christ.