Churchtoons, cartoons from Church

Showing posts with label Jesus Christ. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Jesus Christ. Show all posts

Thursday, July 25, 2024

Why is it so hard to see Jesus?

 in Mark 6:45-52 the disciples are caught in a storm while crossing a body of water. When Jesus responds to their fear by walking over to the boat, they don't recognize Him and become even more afraid. Were they so fixated on the storm and waves that they missed the one they called "master." What troubles or contexts cause you to miss seeing Jesus in your situations? Are you fixated on your problems or on Jesus?

Sunday, July 7, 2024

Prioritizing God's work

When asked to heal a very important man's daughter (Mark 5), Jesus allowed Himself to be diverted by a powerless woman who also needed healing. Although Jesus was on-task to help someone who was in a more dire situation with a more impressive family, Jesus noticed the woman and took time to confront her and provide the words she needed to hear. How do you prioritize your helpfulness? 

Wednesday, May 29, 2024

When your belief is more important that your Lord

 Jesus's teachings were so radical that even the best teachers were left baffled. In John 3 Jesus seems to confound Nicodemus. We might wonder if part of the confusion came from the way Nicodemus understood scripture and his apparent inability to shift that thinking. What ideas or interpretations have you latched onto that have become more important than Jesus?

Tuesday, May 7, 2024

What is Jesus doing HERE?

 When Jesus entered an 'unclean' place, he encountered a man besieged by a legion of demons (Luke 8). These spirits controlled him and they could not be constrained, but Christ was able to name the man's afflictions and channel them out of his life. Can you think of a surprising place you have met Jesus? Can you name the underlying afflictions you carry and can you give yourself permission to let them go?

Tuesday, April 9, 2024

Be Afraid, be very afraid

 Many Christians deem certain actions or beliefs as necessary and then use fear to scare others into obeying those actions. When Christ appears to His disciples, He tells them NOT to be afraid (John 20:19-31). He even reassures the group by offering to let them touch His wounds. How do you dispel fear from those you encounter? Do you show them a God who reassures them?

Tuesday, March 12, 2024

BigGuy gets 'snaked'

Numbers 21 relates the story of God's people being plagued with a snake infestation that resulted in many sicknesses and deaths. The remedy was to simply look at a replica of the problem, a snake. Looking at the bronze image brought immediate relief and healing. Maybe the Church needs to look at Jesus and what He taught so that healing can come. How can you look to Jesus for the love that you need to give today?

Tuesday, January 23, 2024

Fishers of Men

 Jesus promises to make His disciples 'Fishers of Men (Mark 1).'  We might be tempted to use this phrase as an excuse to treat our relationships as a sport or as a means to an end. Christ's relationships encourage a change of perspective. Asking Christ to save us should change our orientation from selfishness to honest concern and care for others. How have you changed your perspective to others.

Tuesday, December 26, 2023

How do you make room?

The famous story of how Christ was born in a manager (Luke 2) is often used to illustrate how we don't make room for God and His word in our lives. But, we might also be reminded of the Old Testament stories of hospitality. If the family knew that Mary was about to give birth to the King of Kings, it seems they would have provided better accommodations. How do you accommodate others in order to make room for Jesus? 


Thursday, September 21, 2023

Big Guy did it

 Our need to explain why bad things happen, can lead us to place blame on others. David felt the pain of being the 'scapegoat' when his army's city was destroyed and the people taken hostage (1 Sam 30). Who do you blame when you experience 'bad' things? Do you blame those closest to you, or maybe someone who looks different from you? What would it be like if we accepted that we don't have the answers?

Thursday, August 24, 2023

Jesus and way the world works

Jesus often taught ideas that are contrary to our typical way of doing business. One example might be found in  Matthew 5:33-37, where Jesus undermined His community's method of doing business by pointing out the fallacy and illogical nature of their oaths. Jesus knew that promises are empty if the soul is untrustworthy. What business practices do you think Jesus would stand against today?

Wednesday, March 29, 2023

Loving in-bounds

 Most Christians believe that they are called to love. In his letter, John compares the kind of love we should have to the love Christ showed us (1 John 4:7-12). We might remember that Christ gave His love to everyone, including those who were not behaving in the ways He prescribed. What limits your love for others? What gender, political, or personal expectations do you require to love another?

Tuesday, February 21, 2023

Losing that special place


Sometimes Christians seem to believe that they have special favor with God and become angry when others share that feeling. When Jesus reminded the synagogue that God had demonstrated His love to those who might be considered unworthy, the crowd became so angry that they sought to kill him (Luke 4). Can you think of anyone you might feel is unlovable to God?

Tuesday, February 14, 2023

It's not what, but who is at the table

 Christians are known to scrutinize everyone's behavior in order to point out sin and wrong-doing. This kind of judgmental faith is more interested in appearing holy than in caring for those around us. Paul seems to be more interested in loving well than in abstaining from food used in idolatrous worship (I Corinthians 10). Ca you think of ways you can love others who may not fit into your ideology?

Tuesday, February 7, 2023

Baptism Ends with Resurrection

 Christ's baptism signified His death, burial, and resurrection (Lk 3). Understanding the order, that the pain of death had to come before the joy of resurrection, might bring us comfort in our darker experiences. When you are experiencing pain and discouragement, can you find hope for healing in knowing that God still loves, cares, and plans to pull you back to joy?

Friday, January 20, 2023

Have you lost Jesus?

 The popular story of Mary and Joseph losing Jesus (Luke 2often leads to discussions on how Christians seem to forget (or lose) the teachings of Jesus. While we might not always feel God's presence, we can always rehearse or return to the teachings of Christ and practice His commands to love God and to love our neighbor. How do you search for Jesus?

Wednesday, November 2, 2022

Soul-Winning without a net

 Most Christians take the great commission (Matt 28), as a serious expectation to evangelize, or to "Preach the gospel" to everyone. However, the methods employed are often more like a sales pitch than a gospel witness. When you consider those who are living as disciples of Christ, did they come to Christ because of a sales pitch, or through personal observation of someone else living out Christ's good news?

Wednesday, October 19, 2022

Looking for the gotchas

 The 10 commandments and the other laws given to Israel might seem like the best standard for knowing God's will and for obeying him (Ex 20). However, Christ's summation of the law (Mark 12) indicates that the intent of the law is more important than judging those who may seem to violate it. 

Monday, September 19, 2022

The first climate change prophet?


Like modern climate activists, Noah believed a great ecological disaster was coming because of humanity's actions Gen 6. While we might see pollution as the physical/direct cause, we might do well to consider that God brought the flood because of the violence (v13) or cruelty inflicted by and on the entire world. Are we unconcerned with violence to the world, like the Noah's contemporaries?

Monday, August 15, 2022

Who can you pray with?


When Jesus taught His disciples to pray, there was an community as well as personal aspect (Luke 11). While Christians can pray alone and have a personal relationship with Christ, we should remember that Jesus also taught us to spend time being vulnerable with one another in the act of prayer. Who do you trust enough to spend time praying with?

Wednesday, July 6, 2022

Pastor Awesome meets Uncle Sam

Western Christianity enjoys great freedom to practice the love and teachings of Christ. In our zeal to protect those freedoms, we may forget that our first allegiance is to Christ, and that no earthly kingdom is truly His kingdom (John 18:36).  Our actions may begin to reflect our selfish nature and undermine our desire to follow Christ's example of love and patience. How are you demonstrating the love of Christ to others today?


Each of the cartoons on this site is an expression of a sermon I heard in church. As a cartoonist, my method of understanding complex theological topics is to boil them down to simple images.

These images will never do justice to the sermons from which they are derived, but hopefully, they convey at least one aspect of those sermons to you, the reader.

I hope that you gain some benefit from the cartoons and will reuse them in ways that honor Christ.