Churchtoons, cartoons from Church

Showing posts with label bibletoons. Show all posts
Showing posts with label bibletoons. Show all posts

Sunday, July 30, 2023

A clear statement on the dangers of Christian Nationalism

Churchtoons has long avoided political associations or commentary, but the rise of Christian Nationalism in mainstream churches necessitates we make this very simple and clear statement: 

Christian Nationalism is wrong, sinful and dangerous. 

It is a cultural framework that undermines the spirituality of the Kingdom of God, and is the opposite of Christ's person and teachings.

While United States of America has benefited from God's grace and gifts, so have many other nations. The United States is NOT the Kingdom of Heaven or the Kingdom of God. It is, at best, a unique blending of cultures and practices and we shine when we open our hearts to that diversity, welcome it, and encourage it.

Also, like any other nation past or present, the United States has its share of sin and short-comings. Naming sins like slavery, discrimination, and greed do not lessen our country's greatness, but rather encourage us to become better.

The Church is separate from any earthly kingdom and is greater than any political, geographical, or social context. The Church is the Body of Christ, gathered from all nations and people groups.

May the Church denounce the folly of using political power and tactics that are in stark contrast to the work and message of Jesus Christ, and live out the gospel fully, thus drawing all to the love of our savior.

John 13:31-35,

Wednesday, July 26, 2023

No one looks good in this book

 The story of Hagar and Abraham is disturbing on many levels (Gen 16) and reminds us that even the best of us have glaring sins and faults. When we consider how even the best of God's people have committed some of the ugliest of sins, we should be humbled and realize that we are not better than anyone else. We might also consider the political and social structures that we are familiar with are also flawed.

Thursday, July 20, 2023

King Awesome

 After years of political and spiritual turmoil, Israel's elders asked Samuel to give them a king, like the other nations. While a king could bring stability, God warned the people that a king would also bring problems like heavy taxes, wars, and forcing citizens into slavery. Many of us are willing to sacrifice God's love for stability. How do you choose stability over God's word, will, and Son? (1 Sam 8).

Wednesday, July 12, 2023

Holy Spirit reminders


Christians believe that after His death, our Lord Jesus Christ sent His Holy Spirit to remind us of His teachings John 14:25-6. We might do well to listen for the Holy Spirit's reminders as we consider the world around us and the needs we see. Which of Christ's teachings do you think the Spirit of God might be reminding you of ?

Wednesday, July 5, 2023

Fight the BigGuy fight


It might seem like the advice given to Timothy, "Fight the good fight", is a call to violence (1 Tim 6). When we read the passage in context, we see how the author is referring to the fight we have with our own sinful nature. This is not a simple guilt-trip to get Timothy to behave a certain way. This passage seems to be an encouragement that we can resist the temptation to hurt others with our sin.

Wednesday, June 28, 2023

We ARE the Church

 Peter describes the followers of Jesus as a building that relies on the foundation of Christ (I Pet 2). What does it look like when Christians follow Christ's commands and example to love and give rather than to hoard, seek power, and marginalize others? Do our critics have good reason to call the Church hypocritical when we fail to live like Jesus? Are we acting like the Church or are we playing church?

Tuesday, June 20, 2023

I don't have to hear you!

 Matthew 15 tells of a woman who begs Jesus for a miracle, and Jesus ignores her. She persists and even accepts what appears to be an insult. Her faith is so great that she is not deterred and eventually Jesus not only provides the healing, but also praises her her faith and persistence. Maybe we've been like Jesus and ignored cries for help around us. Who do you refuse to hear? 

Tuesday, June 13, 2023

Two vulnerable women

Ruth 4 brings us comfort by describing the moment a kinsman claims two unwanted and vulnerable women. While the story is a great metaphor for Christ's love and redemption, we might wonder why the world Naomi and Ruth lived in was so uncaring and why the women's well-being was so easily endangered. Maybe we could wonder if our current society is endangering others? How would Christ redeem the vulnerable now?

Monday, May 29, 2023

Memorial Day 2023

As Americans we set aside Memorial Day to remember those who have died, especially in service of keeping us safe and free. While many Christians take time to remember those who have died, we might also consider how we treat those who are still alive. Are we doing what we can to provide for those who have sacrificed their time and physicality for us, or are simply wishing them well? 1 John 3:17-19.


Wednesday, May 24, 2023

You want into THAT Church?

 The Church at Laodicea received some of the harshest criticism from the Lord Jesus Christ in Revelation 3. However, this self-absorbed, unspiritual group also received one of the greatest invitations. They were invited to let Jesus into their church and to gain from him the everlasting treasures of Heaven. Can you think of members of your community or of churches that you have 'written off?' Would Jesus write them off? 

Wednesday, May 17, 2023

In the shadow of healing

 The early Church seemed to demonstrate incredible power in healing and helping others. One of the most unique reports included people being healed just by touching Peter's shadow (Acts 5:15). While the modern church might envy and seek to recreate the marvelous power, we should consider that the real draw of Christianity was the love shown to all and ready acceptance of those the religious elite hated.

Wednesday, May 10, 2023

Awesome words

 When John the Baptist asked for a clear statement of purpose from Jesus (Luke 7:18-27), the only answer given was to observe the works Jesus had done. The best thing for John's faith was to consider what Jesus Christ was doing instead of what was said. Do you spend more time talking about Jesus than living like Him? How can you demonstrate who Jesus is by your actions?

Wednesday, May 3, 2023

What to ask...

 What kinds of questions would you ask a person who claimed to be God?  When Jesus claimed to be God the religious leaders decided t to ask meaningless questions in the hope of getting a soundbite useful to their cause or to add to their status (Matt 22). Do you ask questions hoping to elevate your status at the expense of someone else? What kinds of questions could you ask?

Wednesday, April 26, 2023

Love of law or law of love?

Sometimes it seems like Christians are more in love with Bible commands and laws than they are with Christ. Paul sums up law as loving others (Rom 13:8-10), or popularly known as the "Law of Love." Do you find yourself more concerned with who is doing what than you are with demonstrating the love of Christ to them? How can you fulfill the law of love this week?

Wednesday, April 19, 2023

Wait for it (Him)

 After His resurrection, Christ instructed His disciples to stay in Jerusalem and wait for the Holy Ghost to be given to them (Acts 1). As followers of the risen Christ, sometimes the hardest thing we have to do is to just wait. Can you think of a time when you've tried to do God's work without the Holy Spirit's guidance? When you are moved to action, do your actions seem like the actions Christ would take? 

Tuesday, April 4, 2023

Past the Palms...

 When celebrating Palm Sunday, it's hard not to look beyond the day's triumphant entry and on to the night when many from the same group became part of a lynch mob (Mark 14). How do God's good people so quickly become angry enough to murder the very Son of God? Can you think of a time when you found yourself swept up a in crowd and began to adopt the crowd's emotion and bad behavior?

Wednesday, March 29, 2023

Loving in-bounds

 Most Christians believe that they are called to love. In his letter, John compares the kind of love we should have to the love Christ showed us (1 John 4:7-12). We might remember that Christ gave His love to everyone, including those who were not behaving in the ways He prescribed. What limits your love for others? What gender, political, or personal expectations do you require to love another?

Tuesday, March 21, 2023

When your religion requires a temple

 When Christ preached that the temple of God would be desecrated (and destroyed), the religious leaders were so angry the plotted to kill him (Mark 13-14). Their response makes us wonder if they were worshipping God or their ceremonies and artifacts. What would prevent you from worshipping God? 

Tuesday, March 14, 2023

Judging the sprout

 Jesus warns of those who pretend to be speaking for God, but are really just using God's name to gain wealth or power (Matt 7). In our fast-paced world, we might be a little too quick to judge who is 'good' and who is 'bad.' Jesus speaks of judging the tree, or the person, by what they produce. Farmers know that it takes time for fruit to form, and maybe we would all do well to slow our judgement until the fruit is formed.

Tuesday, March 7, 2023

The 'help meet' helper

 The word "help meet" used in Genesis 2 has often been used to assign a lesser role to Eve, as though she were an intern or assistant. A closer look at how the same word is used throughout the old testament points a helper as in a rescuer, or like God coming to the aid of Israel like in Deuteronomy 6. Can you think of anyone you consider 'lesser' and with whom you might need to rethink your relationship?


Each of the cartoons on this site is an expression of a sermon I heard in church. As a cartoonist, my method of understanding complex theological topics is to boil them down to simple images.

These images will never do justice to the sermons from which they are derived, but hopefully, they convey at least one aspect of those sermons to you, the reader.

I hope that you gain some benefit from the cartoons and will reuse them in ways that honor Christ.