Churchtoons, cartoons from Church

Showing posts with label faith. Show all posts
Showing posts with label faith. Show all posts

Monday, November 15, 2021

Following the popular politicians


Elijah became an "enemy of the state" when he began the process of reinstating his country's original Theocracy (1 Kings 19). The queen's state religion derived its power from a political state and a charismatic leader, Elijah showed that the one true God is not bound by state politics or human popularity. Are you able to trust God over leaders, political parties, or even your favorite political issue?

Sunday, November 7, 2021

Hiding the truth from the king


Samuel feared for his life when God called him to anoint King Saul's replacement. Rather than chastise Samuel for his reluctance, God gave Samuel an excuse for visiting the village where the anointing would take place (I Sam 16). God's care for Samuel's legitimate fear is the opposite of Saul's evil leadership (Prov. 29:2). May God save us from leaders who love power more than their constituents. 

Tuesday, November 2, 2021

Political power in our pulpits


When Samuel came to anoint David king of Israel, the people in the town became afraid (I Sam 16:4). Considering the political power he represented, it was no wonder people were concerned. As we see politicians given place during our worship times, we also might want to consider the political power presented and if truly aligns with our faith and practice.

Friday, October 29, 2021

Allowing abuse

 Eli was once God's great high priest, called by God to keep the Ark of the Covenant and to minister to the people of Israel. While it seemed like God's plan was for Eli's sons to succeed him as high priests, they used their positions to take advantage of those they were called to serve. Because Eli allowed this kind of abuse, God took the priesthood from him and his family. How do you stand up to abusers? (1 Samuel 3)

Wednesday, October 27, 2021

Remembering the Good Old Days - or not


Many of us are tempted to rewrite our histories to be happier or somehow better than our current circumstances. Even Gods' people began to feel nostalgic for their days of slavery, because of the food that was available (Ex 16). As Christians, we might be tempted to think that a particular decade was more moral, or more spiritual because we fail to recall all happened in that time.

Sunday, October 17, 2021

Social Media formation

 Christians have long understood the importance of personal and communal spiritual formation. While we seek to be formed into someone more like Jesus Christ, we will often find other interests that are ready to take the place of spiritual formation and mold us to be less like Christ (Rom 12:2). What forces in your life do find influencing how you behave?

Monday, October 11, 2021

Waiting on God


God's miraculous call of Moses to service (Exodus 3) occurred when Moses least expected it. Before receiving God's word and a commission to do God's work, Moses had to remove his shoes and come closer to the burning bush. We often try to force God to respond to our need for instant attention rather than waiting on Him in daily prayer and mediation. How do you wait on God?

Wednesday, September 22, 2021

Life out of chaos


God's creation began with a chaotic mass, or void (Gen 1). From this place of confusion God created life and brought a sense of order to sustain that life. In our times of confusion and disorientation, Christians can take comfort that God is still bringing life and the means to sustain that life out of our personal chaos. God not only masters the chaos, but fashions it into something amazing. Let us take heart in times of chaos.

Monday, September 6, 2021

The normalcy of hospitality


Western culture often struggles with concepts of hospitality for immigrants and vistors. Like many middle-eastern faiths, early Christianity viewed hospitality as part of their faith practice. Lydia demonstrated this when she immediately invites Paul to come stay with her and her family (Acts 16:15). By receiving Paul, she became a part of his story. In what ways do you help non-residents feel welcomed and cared for?

Tuesday, August 31, 2021

Sisera's misplaced trust

Sisera, trusted his large and sophisticated military to win the battle with Israel (Judges 4).   Sisera's trust proved to be poorly placed when his army was completely destroyed by Barak's men. Seeking refuge, Sisera again trusted poorly, by asking Jael to hide him. She killed him in sleep, further humiliating him. As Christians, we trust in God, not in armies or political powers. Who do you trust to keep you safe?

Thursday, August 19, 2021

Ruth joins the story of the Bible


Ruth and Orpah
Although no law forced her to, Ruth purposefully tied herself to her mother-in-law. (Ruth 1)The reason for such a strong bond is not truly known, but by Ruth's actions seem to indicate she cared for others and for the God of Israel. By showing unusual kindness, Ruth becomes part of the Bible story and one of Christ's ancestors. What unusual acts of kindness can you perform today?

Wednesday, August 11, 2021

Sitting quietly with those who suffer

 After suffering great loss and physical pain, Job was unrecognizable to his friends (Job2). Job's  sorrow and pain was so pronounced that his friends simply sat with him for an entire week. This is the time that their friendship shone brightest. At the end of the week they began to 'counsel' Job and simply brought him more pain. Can you sit quietly with other's pain?

Sunday, August 8, 2021

My pain is greater than your pain


We all suffer different kinds of pain, and sometimes it might be tempting to dismiss someone's pain, because we feel it's not like our pain. Satan argued with God that physical suffering was more distressing than emotional or financial loss (Job 2).  Can you find a way to let others share their pain without judging them or minimizing their suffering?

Thursday, July 29, 2021

Pressed together to see Jesus

 The early church was an odd mixture of wealthy and poor, men and women, Jewish, Roman, and immigrants. When pressed together, they might not look like they really belonged together, but their love for Christ was more important to them than their political affiliations or social status. Are you able to set aside your personal preferences to embrace the body of Christ? Gal 3:28-29

Sunday, July 25, 2021

Are you stepping away from God's love?

 When Christians talk about remaining, or continuing in the "Love of God", it often sounds like a mental exercise in remembering to love God. In the gospel of John (Jn 15:9-17), the phrase seems more related to loving God by loving others. Maybe the best way to remain in love with God, is by showing His love to others. How can you love others this week?

Tuesday, July 13, 2021

Are you overfull?

 It may be tempting to feel we deserve every material benefit we enjoy and especially those we take for granted. One way to remind ourselves that our gifts come from God and a way to show love to others, is by sharing the wealth God has given. Paul praised the Macedonian churches for giving a liberal offering to help those suffering financial difficulties in another city (2Co 8). Are you able to give those who cannot repay?

Sunday, July 4, 2021

4th of July 2021

Many Americans are proud of their country and the ideas it was founded on. However, it can become easy for anyone to mistake the gifts God has given for rewards of righteous behavior and begin to blur the line between God's word and national proclamations. No matter which country you call 'home,' as a Christian, you are really part of a much grander nation called the Kingdom of God. Jn 18:36, Phil 3:20

Monday, June 21, 2021

Growing the Kingdom

Most of us want to do big, memorable acts that will create a legacy of our good works, but Jesus compared the entire Kingdom of God to a very small mustard seed that grows into a large tree  Mark 4. What small acts of faith, hope, or charity can you perform as part of the expanding work of God?

Sunday, June 13, 2021

On the way to worship

Psalm 130 was part of a 'playlist' of psalms sung while traveling to the Temple. This Psalm reminds us of the pain we have felt, or might be feeling as a way of preparing the ourselves for worship. Whatever our circumstances, we can choose to be like the psalmist and put our faith in God's love and power to see us through these times. How do your hard times show that God is faithful?

Tuesday, May 18, 2021

Paul confronts Peter with his hypocrisy

Paul was quick to confront Peter's favoritism and hypocrisy (Gal 2). Peter willingly accepted the rebuke and corrected his behaviors. As one of Christ's 'inner circle', Peter had enough influence to dismiss Paul, but by embracing Paul and the gentiles, the church has grown into a worldwide movement of faith. How do you respond when you are found doing wrong?


Each of the cartoons on this site is an expression of a sermon I heard in church. As a cartoonist, my method of understanding complex theological topics is to boil them down to simple images.

These images will never do justice to the sermons from which they are derived, but hopefully, they convey at least one aspect of those sermons to you, the reader.

I hope that you gain some benefit from the cartoons and will reuse them in ways that honor Christ.