Churchtoons, cartoons from Church

Showing posts with label faith. Show all posts
Showing posts with label faith. Show all posts

Saturday, December 25, 2021

Heaven Must Sing


Although hidden to the kings and rulers, the birth of Christ could not be silent. A host of angels called out to the lower class shepherds to bear witness of this most significant event (Luke 2). In what ways do you find it impossible to keep quiet? Is it when you feel slighted or when you are filled with God's love and marvel at how wonderful He is?

No Room for Jesus

 Joseph and Mary were unable to find adequate lodging after they were forced to travel (Lk 2). This "No Room" story is often used to illustrate how Christians should respond differently by making room for Christ in their lives. This story might also remind us to make room for strangers and those in need. Another teaching is that this event foreshadowed Christ never having a home and always being a stranger in this world. 

Thursday, December 23, 2021

Luke starts with a problem


Luke's gospel begins with a personal crisis of infertility. Like Sarah, Hannah and so many other women in the Bible, Elizabeth found herself greatly distressed because she was not able to conceive (Luke 1). Elizabeth's faith was rewarded with a special baby who would become John the Baptist, the forerunner of Christ. While we may not understand Elizabeth's distress, we can marvel that God came to her rescue.

Wednesday, December 22, 2021

The Original Witness


Mark's account of Christ's life (Mark 1) begins with the witness given by John the Baptist. While the other gospels provide credentials based on who Christ is, Mark shows us how others reacted to him. Christians should be confident and full of joy when speaking of our lord and savior. Are you able to tell others about the Christ who died, rose again, and lives on for you?

Tuesday, December 21, 2021

What's in your line?


Matthew's (Matt 1)  genealogy of Christ not only reminds that His earthly life was rooted in a community. As the adopted son of Joseph, Jesus could trace his lineage back to nobility like David and Abraham. However, many of the names seem to be unknown or of little consequence to the larger stories of their people. When you feel that your story is unimportant, can you reflect on these names to find your meaning in God's plan?

Monday, December 20, 2021

Jesus lived before he was born


As we consider the birth of Christ, John reminds us that Jesus Christ existed before the incarnation. John points us back to a time before Genesis 1, to a time before anything was created, and John ascribes all of the creative acts to the pre-existing Jesus, referred to as the "Word" (John 1). This description of Christ leaves us in wonder that the very creator of all things slipped into His creation to demonstrate His love for us.

Saturday, December 18, 2021

God gives hope

 During their Persian exile, the Israelites seemed to have lost hope that they would ever return to their own land and their old way of life. Their way of worship and all that they understood seemed to change overnight. During this time God sent Ezekiel with words of hope letting the people know that they might not live to see it, but God would return Israel to their land and to their faith practices (Ez 37).

Tuesday, December 14, 2021

Valley of Dry Bones

Ezekiel's famous vision of the valley of dry bones (Ez 37) reminds us that God can resurrect bodies, nations, and a person's hope. The vision was given during a time when Israel was unable to participate in the rituals that defined them, but God gave them hope that their identity as God's chosen would be resurrected. What hopes or dreams have you given up? Can you trust God to resurrect them? 

Friday, December 10, 2021

Flaming together

Human nature seeks to hurt those we think are hurting us. Often this revenge-seeking leads to a dangerous cycle that only causes us more pain. As Christians, we are to love those who seek to harm us (Matt 5:43-48). While Christians should seek refuge from abuse, we are called to abstain from using the same tactics against our aggressors. How do you respond when you feel 'attacked' on social media? Do 'flame back?'

Tuesday, December 7, 2021

Settle in


Like the children of Israel during their captivity, many of us find ourselves living in a place/time that seems to undermine our identities (Jer. 29). During this time false prophets declared that the captivity wasn't real and that they would soon return to their old way of life. God used Jeremiah to help the people settle into their homes by telling them to plant gardens and seek the good of their new cities.

Thursday, December 2, 2021

A great place to grow

 Isaiah 9, one of the great Advent verses, speaks to our joy at leaving the darkness of sin and ignorance. As we consider the great Light that came into our world (John 1), we might do well to remember the areas of growth we experience while waiting. How has God prepared you for the Light by allowing you to experience a time of darkness? 

Wednesday, November 17, 2021

Hiding Out


After his greatest victory, Elijah feared for his life and went into hiding (1 Kings 19). In his cave of despair, Elijah rehearsed all of the evil his country was facing and began to see an exaggerated version of the problem, where he was the only one left who loved God and that God had abandoned him. Do you have exaggerated versions of your problems? Are you feeling abandoned by God? Can you tell God how you feel?

Monday, November 15, 2021

Following the popular politicians


Elijah became an "enemy of the state" when he began the process of reinstating his country's original Theocracy (1 Kings 19). The queen's state religion derived its power from a political state and a charismatic leader, Elijah showed that the one true God is not bound by state politics or human popularity. Are you able to trust God over leaders, political parties, or even your favorite political issue?

Sunday, November 7, 2021

Hiding the truth from the king


Samuel feared for his life when God called him to anoint King Saul's replacement. Rather than chastise Samuel for his reluctance, God gave Samuel an excuse for visiting the village where the anointing would take place (I Sam 16). God's care for Samuel's legitimate fear is the opposite of Saul's evil leadership (Prov. 29:2). May God save us from leaders who love power more than their constituents. 

Tuesday, November 2, 2021

Political power in our pulpits


When Samuel came to anoint David king of Israel, the people in the town became afraid (I Sam 16:4). Considering the political power he represented, it was no wonder people were concerned. As we see politicians given place during our worship times, we also might want to consider the political power presented and if truly aligns with our faith and practice.

Friday, October 29, 2021

Allowing abuse

 Eli was once God's great high priest, called by God to keep the Ark of the Covenant and to minister to the people of Israel. While it seemed like God's plan was for Eli's sons to succeed him as high priests, they used their positions to take advantage of those they were called to serve. Because Eli allowed this kind of abuse, God took the priesthood from him and his family. How do you stand up to abusers? (1 Samuel 3)

Wednesday, October 27, 2021

Remembering the Good Old Days - or not


Many of us are tempted to rewrite our histories to be happier or somehow better than our current circumstances. Even Gods' people began to feel nostalgic for their days of slavery, because of the food that was available (Ex 16). As Christians, we might be tempted to think that a particular decade was more moral, or more spiritual because we fail to recall all happened in that time.

Sunday, October 17, 2021

Social Media formation

 Christians have long understood the importance of personal and communal spiritual formation. While we seek to be formed into someone more like Jesus Christ, we will often find other interests that are ready to take the place of spiritual formation and mold us to be less like Christ (Rom 12:2). What forces in your life do find influencing how you behave?

Monday, October 11, 2021

Waiting on God


God's miraculous call of Moses to service (Exodus 3) occurred when Moses least expected it. Before receiving God's word and a commission to do God's work, Moses had to remove his shoes and come closer to the burning bush. We often try to force God to respond to our need for instant attention rather than waiting on Him in daily prayer and mediation. How do you wait on God?

Wednesday, September 22, 2021

Life out of chaos


God's creation began with a chaotic mass, or void (Gen 1). From this place of confusion God created life and brought a sense of order to sustain that life. In our times of confusion and disorientation, Christians can take comfort that God is still bringing life and the means to sustain that life out of our personal chaos. God not only masters the chaos, but fashions it into something amazing. Let us take heart in times of chaos.


Each of the cartoons on this site is an expression of a sermon I heard in church. As a cartoonist, my method of understanding complex theological topics is to boil them down to simple images.

These images will never do justice to the sermons from which they are derived, but hopefully, they convey at least one aspect of those sermons to you, the reader.

I hope that you gain some benefit from the cartoons and will reuse them in ways that honor Christ.